Bisa App is a free mobile health Application developed by Oasis web soft a leading app developer in Ghana. Oasis web soft has partnered with GIZ and the Ghana Health Services to enhance Ghana’s public health service education of COVID-19 and manage affected cases who are self-isolating.
The Bisa App provides patients direct access to doctors and health practitioners with a click of the App, doctors are readily available to respond to all questions within minutes with absolutely no cost involved. The Bisa App is instrumental in these times because it will reduce face-to-face doctor consultations and help with reducing congestion in hospitals.
Telemedicine allows health care professionals to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients at a distance using new electronic information and telecommunications technology.
The approach has been through a striking evolution in the last decade and it is becoming an increasingly important part of the healthcare infrastructure. Using telemedicine as an alternative to in-person visits allows patients to enjoy remote health care advice and education on an array of health-related questions and first aid treatment from the comfort of their homes.
This is an advantage for people who need medical care and advice but are unable to visit the hospital for various reasons such as cost, long queues at the hospital and the fear of stigmatization (especially for people who are exhibiting symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and are embarrassed to seek the needed treatment).
Bisa Covid-19 Response
The Bisa Health App seeks to help close the gap in health care sector in Ghana and reduce the congestion encountered during the upsurge of Covid-19 cases in Ghana.
The app currently serves as an opportunity for users to receive health information on the Covid-19 pandemic, how to respond to any Covid-19 case in their close circle, check their symptoms and receive expert advice.
The Bisa health application currently serves as a platform for the Ghana Health Service to follow up on Covid-19 patients being treated at home and provide psychological support to survivors and health workers.
The Bisa App
Using the data gathered on the BISA platform, whilst adhering to doctor-patient confidentiality, health experts will be able to detect outbreaks of diseases at an early stage and decision-makers can also implement the right policies to meet the healthcare needs of people and communities.